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60 Minutes: North Korea and the new Cold War

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“60 Minutes: North Korea and the new Cold War” opens with a stark revelation: North Korea, after years of ominous threats, stands on the brink of possessing an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) named Hong. Capable of reaching the United States with a thermonuclear warhead, the documentary unfolds the gravity of this situation. Despite being a work in progress, Hong is deemed by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs as the most significant threat to the U.S., a sentiment echoed by Defense Secretary James Mattis. The National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC) in Ohio takes center stage as the pivotal force tracking and formulating defenses against this imminent danger.

On any given day, NASIC’s team, comprising photo interpreters, engineers, rocket scientists, and intelligence analysts, delves into data collected during North Korean missile launches. Last summer marked a turning point as North Korea demonstrated the capability to reach the continental United States. Despite not having all the puzzle pieces, NASIC relies on mathematical models to assess the threat, showcasing the integral role of mathematics in deciphering the complexities of ICBMs.

Decoding the ICBM and North Korea’s Progress

Accompanied by a computer simulation, Jeremy Su and his analyst team guide viewers through North Korea’s ICBM, known as the “God of War.” The missile’s first stage propels it off the ground, followed by the re-entry vehicle containing the warhead. To pose a genuine threat, North Korea needs a re-entry vehicle capable of withstanding the tremendous forces and temperatures during descent. The documentary delves into the challenges of developing this critical component and scrutinizes North Korea’s claimed tests, revealing doubts about their credibility.

Griffith, head of the team monitoring North Korea’s missile program for the UN Security Council, dismisses North Korea’s attempts to prove re-entry vehicle success. The documentary unveils a unique Russian Scud missile, capable of carrying a nuclear warhead, shedding light on the existing threat to Japan, South Korea, and Americans in the region. Insights into North Korea’s recent successes raise concerns, emphasizing the urgent need for monitoring and countermeasures.

The High Stakes and Unpredictability

As tensions escalate, “(143) North Korea and the new Cold War | 60 Minutes Full Episodes – YouTube” transitions to the geopolitical implications of North Korea’s nuclear ambitions. South Korea’s spy agency suspects Kim Jong-un’s involvement in his brother’s poisoning in a Malaysian airport, underscoring the unpredictability of North Korea’s leadership. Defense Secretary James Mattis acknowledges the danger North Korea poses not only to America but also to South Korea and the world.

Kim Jong-un’s five-year rule has seen an expansion of North Korea’s nuclear arsenal despite crippling international sanctions. The scarcity of information from within the secretive nation raises doubts about the truthfulness of their claims. Defector Chung Min Lee emphasizes the high risk of war and the gravity of North Korea’s capabilities, urging a cautious approach to the situation.

Inside the DMZ and Nuclear Responsibility

The documentary shifts to the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), providing a glimpse into the surreal and tense atmosphere. General Vincent Brooks, commander of US forces in South Korea, highlights the constant anxiety and nightmares associated with the volatile border situation. The DMZ, rather than a theme park, requires body armor and stands as a stark reminder of the potential conflict.

Amid the nuclear responsibilities, the documentary takes viewers aboard a nuclear submarine, showcasing the intricate command structure and training involved in handling such immense power. Strategic Command headquarters in Omaha, Nebraska, reveals the rigorous protocols in place to authenticate presidential orders and prevent accidental launches. The past false alarm in 1979 serves as a stark reminder of the potential consequences of misinformation.

NATO’s Role and European Defense

Shifting focus to the geopolitical landscape, the documentary explores President Trump’s skepticism about NATO and its cost-sharing dynamics. Despite concerns, NATO remains a crucial alliance against Russian aggression. Norway’s border with Russia becomes a focal point, emphasizing the need for constant vigilance. The Russian military presence in European waters is underscored by the increased activity of their submarines.

NATO member countries, including Norway, strive to meet their military spending pledges, with investments in advanced weaponry like the American-made F-35. Despite progress, the documentary highlights the ongoing challenges and the necessity of preparedness, especially with an American aircraft carrier operating off Norway’s coast. The geopolitical tension and military readiness in Europe contribute to the overarching narrative of the new Cold War, adding layers to the multifaceted global security landscape.

“60 Minutes: North Korea and the new Cold War” concludes by providing a comprehensive overview of the evolving geopolitical dynamics, emphasizing the intricate web of nuclear threats, international alliances, and the urgent need for vigilance in an increasingly uncertain world.

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