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The documentary “97% owned” delves into the intricate world of money creation, exploring its origins, beneficiaries, and the profound impact it has on both national and international levels. Through a thought-provoking narrative, the film aims to unravel the hidden mechanics of the monetary system and prompt open discussions about its future in the face of ongoing crises.

Unveiling the Monetary System’s Secrets

The documentary initiates with fundamental questions: How is money created? Where does it come from? Who benefits? What is the role of the money system, and what lurks behind it? It highlights the historical concealment of these monetary mechanics from the public eye while emphasizing the system’s unparalleled influence on global dominance and national control. The film underscores the urgency for transparent dialogue as the foundations of the monetary system face unprecedented challenges in today’s economic landscape.

As the documentary unfolds, it draws attention to the ominous analogy of an economic crisis as a cancer, emphasizing the need for proactive measures rather than wishful thinking about government intervention. The assertion that “Goldman Sachs rules the world” sets the tone for a critical examination of entrenched interests and power dynamics that resist reform, echoing sentiments of a looming perfect storm.

The Intricacies of Money Creation

Shifting focus to the mechanics of money creation, the documentary challenges common misconceptions. Contrary to popular belief, it asserts that private banks, not the government or central bank, are the primary creators of new money in circulation. Exploring the profit dynamics, it reveals that the Treasury benefits from physical money creation, but the majority of new money is generated by private banks through loans, a process termed commercial bank money.

The film sheds light on the exponential increase in the UK money supply due to bank-created money, far surpassing the contribution of the Treasury. Drawing parallels with historical events and the founding of the Bank of England, it emphasizes the inherent instability of the current system, leading to cycles of boom and bust. The documentary contends that the most profitable economic activity today is making money from money, perpetuating a system where banks, with no lending restrictions, play a pivotal role in the creation of credit.

In conclusion, “97% owned” challenges conventional perceptions, providing a compelling exploration of money’s creation and its impact on the economy. The documentary calls for a reevaluation of the existing system, hinting at the need for separation between money creation and banking activities to address inherent flaws and democratize the monetary landscape.

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