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Autism: Challenging Behaviour

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The documentary, “Autism: Challenging Behaviour”, delves into the lives of two children, Jeremiah and Jack, who have been diagnosed with autism, a developmental disorder impacting 1% of the population. The film explores their journey as they embark on a new school that employs Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) as an intensive intervention to modify autistic behavior.

ABA Unveiled: Behavior Modification Through Rewards and Consequences

The documentary sheds light on ABA, a controversial approach rooted in psychologist BF Skinner’s experiments with rats and pigeons at Harvard University. ABA utilizes a system of rewards and consequences to modify behavior. Introduced in the 1960s and 70s, it has sparked debates regarding the rights of children with autism. Critics raise concerns about potential harm, questioning whether it truly addresses the unique needs of autistic individuals.

Life at Treetops: Navigating the Challenges of ABA

The film follows Jack and Jeremiah’s journey at Treetops, the only state school offering a full ABA program. ABA at Treetops involves tailoring interventions based on the children’s interests, employing phonics and personalized approaches to make learning enjoyable. The documentary captures the challenges faced by the children, the assessments conducted, and the process of actively teaching new skills.

Clash of Ideologies: ABA vs. Acceptance

The clash of ideologies comes to the forefront as the documentary visits St. Christopher’s, a special school with a different approach to autism. The film explores the debate between accepting autism as a different way of perceiving the world versus attempting to modify and remove autistic traits. ABA’s historical roots in trying to “normalize” autism come under scrutiny as opposing viewpoints emerge.

Parental Struggles: Balancing Hope and Reality

The documentary delves into the experiences of parents like Leslie, who moved from mainstream education to ABA at Treetops in the hopes of significant changes. Leslie shares her challenges with Jack’s food-related issues and explores the ethical dilemma of pushing children out of their comfort zones. The film raises questions about the effectiveness of ABA and the impact on children’s well-being.

Hidden Communities: DIY ABA and Parental Advocacy

The documentary reveals a hidden community of parents undertaking do-it-yourself ABA programs due to limited access and funding. It highlights the challenges faced by parents advocating for ABA, with some questioning the progress and efficacy of the interventions. The film underscores the resilience and determination of parents navigating a complex landscape to provide the best support for their children.

Personal Reflections: The Impact of ABA on Individuals

The documentary wraps up with personal reflections from individuals who share their experiences with autism and ABA. It touches on the fine line between preserving an individual’s essence while attempting to modify behavior patterns for a more fulfilling life. The film prompts viewers to consider the ethical decisions parents and teachers make in shaping the lives of children with autism.

Provoking Thoughts on Autism Treatment

“Autism: Challenging Behaviour” on Real Stories provides a thought-provoking exploration of ABA, offering a nuanced view of the controversial treatment’s impact on the lives of children with autism. The documentary raises questions about the balance between acceptance and intervention, leaving viewers with a deeper understanding of the complexities surrounding autism treatment.


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