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Autism Under the Lens

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The documentary “Autism Under the Lens” delves into the experiences of children with autism, offering a glimpse into their world and the challenges they face. Filmed at the Rebecca’s School in midtown Manhattan, the documentary explores the unique struggles these children encounter in their daily lives, highlighting the importance of understanding and addressing autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Exploring Autism Spectrum Disorder

ASD has witnessed a staggering 3000 percent increase in diagnoses over the last three decades, posing a complex puzzle for scientists and researchers. Dr. Jeremy Veenstra van der Wiel, a psychiatrist at Columbia University, sheds light on the diverse nature of autism, encompassing difficulties in social communication, restrictive repetitive behaviors, and sensory issues. The documentary emphasizes the need to recognize and comprehend the broad spectrum of autism, treating it not as a singular entity but as a range of challenges that individuals may face.

Early Diagnoses and the Impact on Families

The film follows the story of Griffin Joe Coma, diagnosed with autism at the Center for Autism and the Developing Brain. It provides a poignant look at the struggles families face in dealing with autism, showcasing the time-consuming efforts required for even basic tasks like getting ready in the morning. The documentary underlines the importance of early intervention and the positive impact it can have on children with autism, offering hope and support to families navigating this journey.

Innovative Technologies and Therapies

In addressing the rise in autism cases, the documentary introduces groundbreaking initiatives like the Autism Glass Project. Developed by the tech sector, this project utilizes artificial intelligence to teach children with ASD how to perceive basic emotions, enhancing their social interactions. The film features interviews with Katalin Boss, the creator of Autism Glass, who explains the technology behind this innovative approach and its potential to empower parents in fostering natural engagements with their children.

Experimental Treatments and Research

The documentary delves into experimental treatments, such as Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) pioneered by Harvard neurologist Dr. Alvaro Pascual-Leone. TMS injects current into the brain non-invasively, showing promising results in changing the way individuals with autism process information. Additionally, the film explores the use of CRISPR technology in understanding the genetic basis of autism, drawing insights from a wild primate research facility at the University of Pennsylvania.

Advocacy and the Future of Autism Research

The film features self-advocates like John Robinson, challenging the perception of autistic individuals as “broken normals.” Robinson, a successful entrepreneur, emphasizes the need for a shift in autism research towards delivering immediate benefits. The documentary advocates for increased resources and a focus on the current needs of individuals with autism, acknowledging their voices in shaping the future direction of research and treatment.

“Autism Under the Lens” provides a comprehensive exploration of the multifaceted world of autism, combining personal stories, scientific insights, and innovative approaches to shed light on the challenges and potential breakthroughs in understanding and treating autism spectrum disorder. As the documentary concludes, it leaves viewers with a sense of optimism and a call to action for continued progress in autism research and support.


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