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Big Pharma: Gaming the System

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“Big Pharma: Gaming the System” begins by highlighting the notorious case of Martin Shkreli, the former CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals, who infamously raised the price of a drug by five thousand percent. Shkreli’s actions exemplify the broken pharmaceutical system, driven solely by profit motives. The drug ecosystem is portrayed as entirely money-driven, with the pharmaceutical industry standing unchallenged, richer and more powerful than ever. The primary concern becomes profit over patients, leading to a cruel business model where access to crucial medications is determined by one’s ability to pay.

As the documentary unfolds, Shkreli’s testimony underscores the capitalist nature of the pharmaceutical industry, with a focus on maximizing profits for shareholders. The battle against the COVID-19 pandemic further accentuates the industry’s thirst for profit, raising questions about its impact on public health systems.

Pharma Giants and the Dark Side of Clinical Trials

Over the past decade, the drug industry landscape has dramatically changed, with a few pharmaceutical giants dominating the market. Novartis, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson are highlighted as major players with vast resources and influence. The documentary sheds light on the consequences of this consolidation, revealing instances where drugs released on the market trigger severe side effects. The case of Depakine, an epilepsy treatment, exemplifies the devastating impact on patients and the legal battles faced by pharmaceutical companies like Sanofi.

The narrative delves into the intricate web of clinical trials, exposing the flawed system that sometimes allows drugs with serious side effects to reach the market. The testimonies of affected individuals and ongoing legal actions against pharmaceutical companies underscore the human cost of profit-driven decisions.

The Battle for Affordable Alternatives: Avastin vs. Lucentis

The documentary explores the battle between pharmaceutical giants Novartis and Roche over two drugs, Avastin and Lucentis, both used in the treatment of eye conditions. The cheaper alternative, Avastin, was sidelined in favor of Lucentis through a strategic maneuver, revealing the influence of lobbying and market dynamics. Despite international studies demonstrating the equal effectiveness of both treatments, the documentary highlights how pricing decisions and legal actions can impact the availability of affordable alternatives.

The narrative extends to the United States, where the unregulated pricing of drugs allows pharmaceutical companies to impose exorbitant costs. The case of Gilead Sciences and the pricing strategy behind the hepatitis C drug, Sovaldi, exposes the disconnect between research and pricing decisions. The documentary critiques the pharmaceutical industry for prioritizing profits over public health and explores the challenges in regulating drug prices to ensure accessibility for all.

Gene Therapy and the Price of Life

The final section of the documentary delves into the realm of gene therapy, focusing on Novartis’ drug Kimraya for leukemia treatment. The exorbitant price tag of 320,000 euros per patient raises ethical questions about the pharmaceutical industry’s focus on pricing rather than innovation. The documentary reveals how drug companies, despite minimal innovation, capitalize on publicly funded research and manipulate pricing strategies to maximize profits.

Experts and critics argue that the shift towards prioritizing high prices over volume exacerbates healthcare inequalities globally. The documentary emphasizes the urgent need for reforms in drug pricing regulations, portraying a pharmaceutical industry that needs to be held accountable for its actions and decisions. As the documentary concludes, viewers are left questioning the extent of power drug companies hold and the implications for the broader healthcare landscape.

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