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Camp Century: The Hidden City Beneath the Ice

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In 1959, the United States set its sights on Greenland, close to the North Pole, aiming to turn the icy wasteland into a nuclear fortress. The documentary unfolds the intriguing tale of “Camp Century: The Hidden City Beneath the Ice”, revealing the ambitious plans and hidden secrets of this unique military project.

Cold War Tensions and Arctic Strategy

As the Cold War escalated, the U.S. sought to showcase its military might to the Soviet Union. Greenland, strategically located between Washington and Moscow, became a focal point. The U.S. government attempted to buy Greenland from Denmark, envisioning it as a crucial asset in the East-West conflict. Despite Denmark rejecting the offer, a large U.S. airbase was approved, laying the groundwork for covert projects like Camp Century.

Camp Century’s Inception and Ambitious Plans

In 1959, the United States embarked on the ambitious project of Camp Century, a subterranean military base in the Arctic. Colonel Kerkering led the initiative, aiming to build a network of tunnels and deploy nuclear missiles under the ice. The documentary sheds light on the enormous financial and logistical investments made for this unprecedented venture, highlighting the challenges faced during construction.

Life Beneath the Ice: A Chilling Reality

The narrative unfolds through the eyes of witnesses like Soeren Gregersen, an 18-year-old invited to Camp Century by the U.S. Army. The underground settlement, complete with a nuclear reactor, posed both technological and human challenges. Soldiers, like military doctor Chuck Rose, faced extreme conditions, living under the ice for extended periods. The documentary vividly captures the experiences of those who called Camp Century home.

Propaganda Battles and Global Tensions

Set against the backdrop of the Space Race and Cold War tensions, the documentary delves into the propaganda war between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. While the U.S. built its nuclear fortress in Greenland, Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev made a strategic visit to the U.S. The global stage witnessed a power play, with both nations trying to assert their dominance in the race for technological supremacy.

Camp Century’s Unveiling and Ethical Dilemmas

As Camp Century took shape, the U.S. faced ethical dilemmas. The documentary explores the psychological experiments conducted on soldiers, testing their resilience in isolation. The military project aimed not only to showcase technological prowess but also to understand the human aspect of living in extreme conditions.

Demise and Environmental Consequences

The climax of the documentary brings attention to the eventual demise of Camp Century. Project Iceworm faced evaluation in 1962, and with the Cuban Missile Crisis, the U.S. decided to abandon the project. The long-term environmental consequences of Camp Century, including the impact of melting ice on the buried waste, are discussed, raising questions about responsibility and cover-ups.

Camp Century’s Legacy and Unforgettable Achievement

Despite its eventual abandonment, Camp Century stands as a testament to human ingenuity and the lengths nations went to during the Cold War. The documentary “Camp Century: The Hidden City Beneath the Ice” provides a comprehensive look at this hidden city beneath the ice, its impact on geopolitics, and the environmental repercussions that persist to this day.

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