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The Strange Case of Peking Man

The Strange Case of Peking Man

Uncover the mysteries of human evolution in ‘The Strange Case of Peking Man’ documentary. Join Dr. Wang Tao and Davidson Black IV on a global quest for lost origins.

Immortal Egypt with Joann Fletcher

Immortal Egypt with Joann Fletcher

Explore the mysteries of ancient Egypt in the captivating documentary, ‘Immortal Egypt with Joann Fletcher.’ Unveil the rise and fall of a civilization in this immersive journey.

The Dead Sea Scrolls

The Dead Sea Scrolls

Explore the profound legacy of ancient wisdom in ‘The Dead Sea Scrolls’ documentary. Unearth the mysteries of Judaism and early Christianity in this historical journey.

The Hunt For the Transylvanian Gold

The Hunt For the Transylvanian Gold

Embark on an archeological adventure with “The Hunt For the Transylvanian Gold” documentary. Uncover the mystery of ancient artifacts in this thrilling journey!

The Living Stones of Sacsayhuaman

The Living Stones of Sacsayhuaman

Explore the mysteries of Incan marvels in ‘The Living Stones of Sacsayhuaman’ documentary. Join a Russian expedition as they unravel ancient secrets and architectural wonders.

The Revelation of the Pyramids

The Revelation of the Pyramids

Unearth the secrets of ancient wonders in ‘The Revelation of the Pyramids’ documentary. Explore mysteries, challenge narratives, and decode hidden messages in this captivating journey through time.

Finding Atlantis

Finding Atlantis

Embark on a modern odyssey with ‘Finding Atlantis’ – a documentary unraveling myth through cutting-edge tech in Spanish marshlands. Discover the lost city’s secrets!

Baalbek Megaliths

Baalbek Megaliths

Explore the mysteries of Baalbek Megaliths, an ancient Roman marvel. Unravel the enigma of Temple of Jupiter, colossal stones, and Roman parallels. Directed by Igor Alekseev.

Tutankhamun: The Truth Uncovered

Tutankhamun: The Truth Uncovered

Discover the secrets behind Tutankhamun’s mysterious death in ‘Tutankhamun: The Truth Uncovered.’ Unveil the pharaoh’s DNA revelations and virtual resurrection in this groundbreaking documentary.

The Assyrians: Empire of Iron

The Assyrians: Empire of Iron

Explore the rise and fall of the Neo-Assyrian Empire in ‘The Assyrians: Empire of Iron’ documentary. Uncover military prowess, cultural brilliance, and enduring legacy.

The Mystery of the Cocaine Mummies

The Mystery of the Cocaine Mummies

Uncover the ancient enigma with “The Mystery of the Cocaine Mummies.” Explore Egypt’s past, scientific anomalies, and a clandestine trade in this riveting journey.

They Called Her Jamila

They Called Her Jamila

Uncover the Neolithic secrets of Ba’ja as we delve into “They Called Her Jamila.” Explore an ancient grave, a 2,500-bead necklace, and the evolution of a society in just 160 characters.



Explore the mysteries of ancient Egypt’s Pyramids in this captivating documentary. Uncover secrets, debunk myths, and delve into celestial connections. Discover the enigma of Pyramids now!

Secrets of the Stone Age

Secrets of the Stone Age

Explore monumental shifts with ‘Secrets of the Stone Age.’ Unveil ancient mysteries in this captivating journey through time.

Mysteries of the Planet Earth

Mysteries of the Planet Earth

Unraveling the Mysteries of the Planet Earth: Antarctica’s hidden lakes to Mariana Trench’s depths. Explore Earth’s secrets now!

Ötzi and the World of the Iceman

Ötzi and the World of the Iceman

Discover the Chalcolithic Enigma: Ötzi and the World of the Iceman. Journey through ancient history and unravel Ötzi’s secrets.

The Neanderthals Tracking Our Ancestors

The Neanderthals: Tracking Our Ancestors

Discover the mysteries of our ancestors in ‘The Neanderthals: Tracking Our Ancestors.’ Unearth their secrets in this captivating journey.

The Architects of Ancient Arabia

Architects of Ancient Arabia

Explore Saudi Arabia’s rich history with “The Architects of Ancient Arabia” documentary. Uncover hidden wonders in Al Ula’s sands.