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Elizabeth II -The Power behind the Throne

Elizabeth II -The Power behind the Throne

Uncover the hidden dynamics of British democracy in “Elizabeth II – The Power behind the Throne” documentary. Explore royal influence and wealth shaping political landscapes.

The Anatomy of a Great Deception

The Anatomy of a Great Deception

Explore the intriguing revelations of ‘The Anatomy of a Great Deception’ documentary, unraveling 9/11 mysteries. Join David Hooper’s quest for truth and challenge the official narrative.

Century of Enslavement: The History of the Federal Reserve

Century of Enslavement: The History of the Federal Reserve

Uncover the financial mysteries in “Century of Enslavement: The History of the Federal Reserve” documentary. Explore the Fed’s past and present role in shaping our economic landscape.

War with China: Are we closer than we think?

War with China: Are we closer than we think?

Explore the geopolitical complexities in ‘War with China: Are We Closer Than We Think?’ Unravel the tensions surrounding China, Australia, and the looming specter over Taiwan.?

The Rise of Big Tech

The Rise of Big Tech

Explore ‘The Rise of Big Tech’ documentary, unraveling the unchecked power, opaque finances, and market-driven surveillance of tech giants. Can we control their dominance?

The Empire Files: 'This Ship is Sinking'

The Empire Files: ‘This Ship is Sinking’

Dive into the critical analysis of US foreign policy in ‘The Empire Files: ‘This Ship is Sinking’. Colonel Wilkerson exposes the ties between perpetual war, the military-industrial complex, and America’s uncertain future.

Inside Iran: What Happened to Iran's Women-led Uprising?

Inside Iran: What Happened to Iran’s Women-led Uprising?

Explore the aftermath of Mahsa Amini’s tragedy in ‘Inside Iran: What Happened to Iran’s Women-led Uprising?’ Uncover tales of defiance, resilience, and the enduring spirit against oppression.

Bringing Down a Dictator

Bringing Down a Dictator

Explore the triumphant tale of democracy in ‘Bringing Down a Dictator.’ Join the nonviolent uprising that shattered tyranny, led by the Otpor! movement against Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic.

Bangladesh: The Dawn of Islamism

Bangladesh: The Dawn of Islamism

Explore the complexities of Bangladesh’s struggle in ‘Bangladesh: The Dawn of Islamism.’ Uncover the clash between secularism and extremism in this eye-opening documentary.

Amend: The Fight for America

Amend: The Fight for America

Discover the riveting history behind ‘Amend: The Fight for America’ and the transformative 14th Amendment. Uncover milestones, challenges, and ongoing struggles for true equality in this captivating docuseries.

The Man Who Knew Too Much

The Man Who Knew Too Much

Explore the riveting journey of “The Man Who Knew Too Much,” unraveling the secrets of psyops in Northern Ireland. Delve into deception, intrigue, and the enduring impact of psychological warfare.

Guantanamo: Blacked Out Bay

Guantanamo: Blacked Out Bay

Uncover the mystery of Guantanamo: Blacked Out Bay in this riveting expose. Explore the enigma of Gitmo’s past and present, revealing personal perspectives and the elusive quest for closure.

What North Korean Defectors Think of Korea

What North Korean Defectors Think of Korea

Explore the compelling stories in “What North Korean Defectors Think of Korea.” Witness their harrowing journeys, challenges in South Korea, and hopes for their homeland.

How People Live: North Korea

How People Live: North Korea

Explore the hidden realms of North Korea in ‘How People Live: North Korea.’ Unveil the truths beyond the facade, a captivating journey into the heart of an enigmatic nation.

Putin: The New Tsar

Putin: The New Tsar

Explore the enigmatic rise of Vladimir Putin in ‘Putin: The New Tsar’ documentary. Unveil the controversies, political strategies, and global impact. An in-depth journey into the world’s most powerful leader.

Fahrenheit 11/9

Fahrenheit 11/9

Dive into the political tapestry of the Trump era with ‘Fahrenheit 11/9.’ Explore Michael Moore’s insights on the 2016 election and its profound impact. Unveil the echoes of history.

The Most Doomed Country: Saudi Arabia

The Most Doomed Country: Saudi Arabia

Explore the challenges facing ‘The Most Doomed Country: Saudi Arabia’ as it navigates a changing world. Dive into geopolitics, Vision 2030, and the quest for a sustainable future.



Uncover the legacy of the 13th Amendment in the US justice system. Explore the impact of mass incarceration, racial disparities, and corporate influence in Ava DuVernay’s documentary, ’13th.

Knock Down The House

Knock Down The House

Explore the political revolution in ‘Knock Down The House,’ a gripping documentary on four female Democrats challenging the status quo in the 2018 elections. Witness their grassroots triumphs and challenges.

The murder of Jamal Khashoggi

The murder of Jamal Khashoggi

Explore the gripping documentary on ‘The murder of Jamal Khashoggi,’ unraveling the mystery behind this tragic event. Exclusive insights, expert interviews, and a call for justice.

George Soros: The Billionaire Global Mastermind?

George Soros: The Billionaire Global Mastermind?

Explore the controversial figure in finance and philanthropy – George Soros: The Billionaire Global Mastermind? Unveil the truths, myths, and impact in this revealing documentary analysis.

The Truth Illusion

The Truth Illusion

Explore the profound impact of ‘The Truth Illusion’ on America’s reality divide. Delve into a nation torn between conflicting realities and the erosion of trust. Uncover the truth within.

China: Surveillance State or Way of the Future?

China: Surveillance State or Way of the Future?

Explore the intricate tapestry of China’s digital surveillance landscape – a juxtaposition of security and privacy. Is it a surveillance state or the way of the future?

The Enemy in Brussels

The Enemy in Brussels

Explore the seismic rise of right-wing populism in Europe with ‘The Enemy in Brussels.’ Uncover motivations, economic shifts, and societal consequences in this insightful analysis.

The End of a Superpower: The Collapse of the Soviet Union

The End of a Superpower: The Collapse of the Soviet Union

Explore the profound impact of “The End of a Superpower: The Collapse of the Soviet Union.” Unravel the geopolitical legacy and socio-cultural shifts in 15 post-Soviet states.

The Smartest Guy in the Room Cameron Ortis and the RCMP Secrets Scandal

The Smartest Guy in the Room: Cameron Ortis and the RCMP Secrets Scandal

Dive into the gripping tale of ‘The Smartest Guy in the Room: Cameron Ortis and the RCMP Secrets Scandal.’ Uncover a web of intrigue involving espionage, crime, and unexpected alliances.

Changing World Order

Changing World Order

Explore the profound insights of Ray Dalio on the “Changing World Order.” Unravel historical patterns, pivotal moments, and the big cycle shaping global dynamics. Adapt and thrive in an ever-evolving landscape.

Crash: Are we Ready for the Next Crisis

Crash: Are we Ready for the Next Crisis

Explore the looming financial horizon in our latest article, ‘Crash: Are we Ready for the Next Crisis.’ Learn about banking reforms, global stability, and the imperative need for proactive change.

Bosom Bullies: Trump and Putin

Bosom Bullies: Trump and Putin

Explore the intricate dynamics of “Bosom Bullies: Trump and Putin” in this compelling documentary. Unraveling their shared history, controversies, and the evolving global stage.

Thailand: A Year of Living Dangerously

Thailand: A Year of Living Dangerously

Discover Thailand’s tumultuous journey in ‘Thailand: A Year of Living Dangerously.’ Explore protests, red shirts, and the quest for democratic renewal.