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Inside India’s explosive population growth

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The documentary “Inside India’s explosive population growth” sheds light on the critical issue of India’s burgeoning population, surpassing 1.4 billion. The focus is primarily on the state of Bihar, which boasts the highest birth rate in the country. With unemployment on the rise, young people in Bihar face immense challenges, adding complexity to the efforts of authorities striving to promote contraceptive use.

The Struggle for Jobs in Bihar:

In Bihar’s capital, Patna, where tens of thousands of students converge with dreams of securing government jobs, the competition is intensifying. The documentary follows 25-year-old Ravish Kumar, who, despite qualifying for a low-ranking job, finds the job market elusive. The coaching industry, promising dreams of a better future, has grown into a multi-million-dollar business, but the reality of job scarcity remains a harsh truth for many aspiring individuals.

Challenges in Family Planning:

The journey takes us beyond the urban landscape to Kishanganj, a district grappling with one of the highest birth rates in the country. A family with ten daughters and one son illustrates the challenges of raising a large family. The difficulty arises not only due to economic constraints but also the lack of education, especially for the female members. The documentary explores the reasons behind the high fertility rates, emphasizing the need for effective family planning.

Healthcare Workers and Family Planning Efforts:

The role of healthcare workers, like Rani Devi, becomes evident as they lead the government’s Family Planning program. However, the challenge lies in disseminating knowledge about various contraceptive methods. The scars of past forced sterilizations loom large, making it harder to promote alternative birth control measures. Despite concerted efforts, contraceptive use in Bihar remains low, highlighting the complexity of addressing the issue.

Government Perspectives and Alternatives:

The documentary presents the government’s perspective through interviews with influential figures, such as India’s Minister for Rural Development. The debate over the introduction of a controversial law penalizing those with more than two children unfolds, with a focus on the claim that Muslims are driving the population increase—an assertion countered by government data linking fertility rates to education levels. Dr. Ansari, a specialist in sterilization surgeries, offers insights into the challenges faced in promoting such procedures.

The film concludes by highlighting the urgency of addressing India’s population growth to avert a demographic disaster. It underscores the interconnectedness of education, healthcare, and societal attitudes in shaping the future of the country. The fate of millions of unemployed youth and the effectiveness of family planning initiatives will play a pivotal role in determining the course of India’s demographic trajectory. The documentary serves as a poignant exploration of a critical issue that transcends individual lives to impact the nation as a whole.


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