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Living Dolls: The Subculture of Doll Collecting

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In the intriguing documentary “Living Dolls: The Subculture of Doll Collecting,” viewers are taken on a captivating journey into the lives of individuals whose fascination with dolls transcends the ordinary. This unconventional subculture unfolds with a cast of characters whose stories are as diverse as the dolls they cherish.

Mike’s Barbie Universe: A Journey of Self-Discovery

Meet Mike, a unique individual navigating the world of doll collecting. Unlike most who outgrow their childhood toys, Mike’s connection with Barbie dolls only strengthened with time. Living with his parents and his boyfriend, Mike shares his anxieties as he prepares for his first Barbie convention. A tale of reinvention unfolds as he embraces his true self, rebuilding a collection that had once been discarded during his closeted adolescence.

Michael’s Doll Workshop: Stripping Away the Layers

Venture into the fascinating world of Michael, an older gentleman whose home doubles as a doll workshop. Amidst piles of papers and tools, Michael meticulously disassembles dolls, revealing metallic figures that lean more towards robots than the traditional Barbie dolls. Unravel the layers of creativity and craftsmanship as Michael transforms dolls into unique, bare-boned art pieces, challenging the conventional perception of doll collecting.

David’s Intimate Connection: Love Dolls as Art

Delve into the world of David, a collector whose passion for dolls transcends the realm of mere collecting. The documentary unveils David’s unapologetic embrace of moments of extreme intimacy with eerily life-like silicon art. As he attends an annual meeting of fellow doll enthusiasts, the film navigates the thin line between harmless self-expression and a potential imbalance in the psyche. Explore the psychological nuances of David’s unique relationship with dolls, raising questions about the fine line between art and personal fulfillment.

Debbie’s Doll Dilemma: A Compelling Obsession

The documentary introduces Debbie, a young wife and mother whose addiction to doll collecting poses a challenge to her family’s well-being. With over 500 dolls in her collection, including vintage treasures and Barbie classics, Debbie’s passion is undeniable. However, her husband Colin struggles with the financial strain caused by her hobby. Dive into the complexities of Debbie’s world as she finds solace and companionship in her dolls, navigating the tensions that arise in her marriage.

Unraveling the Threads of Doll Collecting

“Living Dolls: The Subculture of Doll Collecting” offers a fascinating glimpse into a world that exists far beyond societal norms. As the documentary unfolds, it refrains from passing judgment, allowing viewers to ponder the fine line between unconventional self-expression and potential psychological complexities. Each character’s story, woven together by their unique connection to dolls, raises questions about the diverse paths individuals take to combat loneliness and seek happiness. This documentary, deceptively simple yet profoundly engaging, invites viewers to explore the vibrant and diverse subculture of doll collecting, where love, art, and personal fulfillment intertwine in unexpected ways.

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