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Make Me a German

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What is it that sets Germans apart in terms of success and productivity? Despite working fewer hours, they manage to maintain remarkable productivity levels, making Germany the economic powerhouse of Europe. This phenomenon has even caught the attention of figures like David Cameron, who advocate for emulating the German way. In an effort to unravel this secret, Justin and Bee Rowlatt, accompanied by their children, embark on a journey to the bustling manufacturing city of Nuremberg. Guided by advertising expert PJ, whose company has conducted extensive research on typical Germans, they set out to immerse themselves in the German lifestyle—both professionally and socially.

Living the German Dream

Justin takes up employment at a pencil factory, while Bee delves into the intricacies of how German housewives manage their homes. A key aspect of their mission is adopting the German practice of saving a portion of their income. Transforming into Germans is a multifaceted experience that involves hard work, enjoyment, and a host of surprising discoveries.

The Enigma of German Success

Are you tired of hearing about Germany’s continuous achievements? They excel in football (or soccer), are the first to embark on vacations, and while Britain faces potential increases in unemployment and staggering debt, Germany thrives. Their employment rates are soaring, and the country boasts a commendable export record. What’s more astonishing is that Germans earn more than Brits while working fewer hours. So, what’s their secret?

Journalist Justin Rowlatt and writer Bee Rowlatt have taken on the challenge of unraveling the enigma of German success. Accompanied by their children, they’ve relocated to Germany for an immersive experience. Amidst the beer and sausages, this is no vacation; it’s an endeavor to live, work, and play just like the average German. Their ultimate goal? To become as German as possible!

Embracing the German Way of Life

Their journey begins with finding a place to call home in the heart of Bavaria—Nuremberg. Known for its gingerbread, sausages, and historical significance, this city provides the perfect backdrop for their adventure. While property ownership may be a British obsession, Germans have a different approach. Over half of them prefer renting, in stark contrast to only a third of Brits.

Germans not only rent more but also tend to stay in rented properties for decades. What’s more, they avoid accumulating substantial debt. In the UK, the average family owes £53,000, including mortgage debt. In Germany, that figure is under £30,000.

Justin and Bee delve deep into the lives of ordinary Germans. The archetypal German bears the surname Müller, the most common last name in the nation, and resides in a 1970s apartment complex. Sabina emerges as the most popular female name, while Thomas Müller leads among males. Germans are known for their early risers, with the typical German wife usually staying at home when she has two preschool-aged children.

In conclusion, the Rowlatt family’s quest to “Make Me a German” is a captivating exploration of what makes Germany so unique in terms of success and lifestyle. By immersing themselves in the German way of life, they uncover valuable insights that shed light on Germany’s remarkable achievements and offer lessons that can be applied to other parts of the world. Germany’s success story is a testament to the power of efficiency, smart financial practices, and a unique cultural approach to work and life.

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