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Oh, Rick!

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The documentary titled “Oh, Rick!” is a comprehensive exploration of the life and career of Rick Chrome, a multi-talented individual known for his contributions to stand-up comedy, music, and theater. This full stand-up comedy documentary, captured at Comedy Cellar NYC in 2017, offers insights into Rick’s journey, from his early experiences to his impact on the comedy scene.

Rick Chrome: The Multi-Talented Entertainer

The documentary begins with a scene where fellow comedians discuss Rick’s versatility and talent. They highlight his ability to handle drunk crowds, play the piano, and seamlessly blend comedy with musical elements. Rick is portrayed as a unique figure in the comedy world, not just limited to stand-up but also excelling in composing and lyric writing for off-Broadway productions.

Rick Chrome’s Impact on Comedy Instruction

A significant portion of the documentary is dedicated to Rick’s role as a stand-up comedy instructor. Fellow comedians commend Rick for his serious and invested approach to teaching. He is portrayed as a standout figure who treats comedy with the respect of a professor, emphasizing the balance between a written medium and improvisation. Rick’s hosting style is praised for its gentleness, creating a positive atmosphere at Comedy Cellar NYC.

Comedy Cellar: A New York Institution

The documentary delves into the history of Comedy Cellar, depicting it as a crucial comedy club in the country. Rick’s involvement in running the club, alongside Bill Grunfest, is highlighted as a significant factor that contributed to the club’s success. Comedy Cellar is portrayed as a unique space where various comedians, including Rick Chrome, showcase their talents against a brick wall backdrop.

Rick Chrome: The Musical Journey

The narrative shifts to Rick’s involvement in musicals and Broadway. The documentary covers Rick’s experiences, including his audition for a Broadway show, his professional theater job with Martin Short, and the challenges faced in the Broadway scene. Despite setbacks, Rick is acknowledged for his musical talents, with expectations of him eventually making a mark in the Broadway world.

Rick Chrome’s Personal Journey and Identity

The documentary takes a personal turn as it explores Rick Chrome’s identity and the challenges he faced as a closeted gay man in the comedy industry. Comedians recount their initial unawareness of Rick’s sexuality, highlighting the different attitudes towards LGBTQ+ topics in the comedy scene. Rick’s decision to eventually incorporate his personal experiences into his comedy is discussed, showcasing the evolving landscape of comedy over time.

Comedy’s Evolution and Rick’s Impact

The documentary touches on the changing landscape of comedy, emphasizing the shift towards more personal and introspective content. Rick’s contribution to breaking stereotypes and challenging societal norms, particularly through a memorable scene on Louie’s show, is praised. The evolution of comedy as a platform for self-expression is recognized, with Rick Chrome playing a role in this transformative journey.

Rick Chrome’s Resilience and Redemption

The final segments of the documentary focus on Rick’s personal struggles, including battles with addiction. Rick’s resilience and eventual redemption are highlighted, emphasizing the role of purpose in his life. The documentary concludes with a reunion at Comedy Cellar NYC, symbolizing Rick’s enduring connection with the place that has been central to his career.

In summary, “Oh, Rick!” is a captivating documentary that weaves together Rick Chrome’s multi-faceted career, his impact on comedy instruction, and his personal journey, all against the backdrop of Comedy Cellar NYC. The film offers a comprehensive look into the life of a remarkable entertainer and the ever-evolving landscape of the comedy world.

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