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Think Fast Talk Smart: Communication Techniques

Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques

Enhance your communication game with structures for spontaneous speaking. Explore problem-solution-benefit and opportunity-solution-benefit frameworks for success.

AI and the Future of Education

AI and the Future of Education

Education Revolution: AI, Robots & Preparing Kids for the Future. Discover how AI is transforming education, from personalized learning to critical thinking skills. Is your child ready?

The limits of learning: kids in crisis

The limits of learning: kids in crisis

Kids in Crisis exposes the struggles of students like Leandro, left to navigate online learning after pandemic school closures. Can they cope with isolation, anxiety, and the pressure of homeschooling? Watch to see the impact on the “corona generation” and their future.

Why U.S. education is struggling

Why U.S. education is struggling

Is the U.S. education system broken? Dive deep into the challenges & hear from experts on fixing it. Why U.S. education is struggling – watch now!

Education, Education

Education, Education

Unveil China’s education challenges and opportunities. Explore the impact of privatization. Education, education – a transformative journey.