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The Business with Terrorism

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The documentary “The Business with Terrorism” begins with an exploration of the dark web, where cyber analysts delve into the encrypted corners of the internet. Cybercriminals and terrorists utilize this space to engage in various illegal activities, including drug trafficking, fraud services, and human trafficking. The dark net operates anonymously, and transactions are conducted using Bitcoin, providing a level of untraceability. The focus shifts to jihadist Syrian groups, such as Al-Qaeda, who seek global support through donations for their causes. The dark web, portrayed as a virtual marketplace, facilitates the funding of terrorism, turning extremist activities into a disturbingly organized enterprise.

Unveiling the World of Cyber Terrorism

Former intelligence and counterterrorism professionals share their experiences and insights, shedding light on the intricacies of cyber terrorism. Telegram, an instant messaging app known for its secure and encrypted nature, becomes a hotspot for terrorists seeking anonymity. The documentary reveals plans to manufacture jet missiles and explores the sinister idea of a flying suicide bomber. The cyber analysts utilize specialized browsers like Tor to navigate the dark web, providing a glimpse into the harrowing sections where illegal activities are orchestrated with seemingly seamless transactions.

Hezbollah’s Global Criminal Network

The focus then shifts to Hezbollah, depicting it not only as a terrorist organization but also as a sophisticated criminal entity. Hezbollah establishes partnerships with drug cartels, leveraging the Lebanese diaspora for drug trafficking. The documentary highlights the interconnectedness of criminal enterprises and terrorism, emphasizing the importance of disrupting the flow of both money and drugs. It underscores the challenge of tracking illicit funds and the complicity of certain governments in facilitating these criminal operations.

Venezuela’s Nexus with Terrorism

The narrative unfolds with the examination of Venezuela’s involvement in supporting terrorism, particularly through figures like Tareck El Aissami. The documentary explores how El Aissami, once a key ally of Hugo Chavez, played a crucial role in distributing identification cards to individuals of Middle Eastern background, raising suspicions about potential ties to terrorism. The film links this to the production of Venezuelan passports for Islamic terrorists associated with Hezbollah, showcasing the global reach of such operations.

Financial Warfare and the Role of Intelligence Agencies

Former FBI and CIA analysts enter the scene, providing insights into financial crimes and intelligence operations. The focus shifts to the terrorist financing operations post-9/11, revealing how Hezbollah infiltrated the United States by purchasing used cars through agents sympathetic to their cause. The financial crackdown on the Lebanese-Canadian bank becomes a pivotal step in disrupting Hezbollah’s access to funds and dismantling their intricate network. The documentary emphasizes the need for international collaboration to combat terrorism financing.

Exploiting Charity for Terrorism

The documentary investigates the exploitation of charities for funding terrorism, illustrating the case of Islamic Relief Worldwide. It delves into the challenges faced by organizations in navigating the complex landscape of international aid, where funds may inadvertently end up in the hands of terrorists. The tension between regulatory scrutiny and the genuine humanitarian efforts of charities becomes a central theme, highlighting the need for more transparent practices and effective oversight.

Arms Trade and Cultural Heritage Plunder

The final segments of “The Business with Terrorism” explore the illicit arms trade and the plundering of cultural heritage by terrorist groups. Pro-Jihadist Telegram groups are exposed for facilitating the sale of illegal weapons, demonstrating the ease with which significant weapon systems can be acquired. The smuggling of antiquities emerges as a billion-dollar industry, with terrorists exploiting the chaos of conflict to loot archaeological sites. The documentary concludes by emphasizing the critical role of following the money to unravel and disrupt the intricate web of criminal enterprises supporting terrorism.

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