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The Empire Files: ‘This Ship is Sinking’

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In the documentary “The Empire Files: ‘This Ship is Sinking'”, Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, a seasoned voice with a military background, delves into the perilous depths of US foreign policy. His profound insights, shaped by personal experiences, offer a rare perspective from within the intricate web of power.

America’s Perpetual War Machine:

Colonel Wilkerson’s narrative unfolds against the backdrop of the United States’ insatiable appetite for conflict. With a career spanning Vietnam to the Bush administration, he highlights the alarming nexus between US foreign policy and the perpetuation of the national security state. According to Wilkerson, the primary fuel for this state is perpetual war, driven not by altruism but by a relentless pursuit of power and control.

The Profitable Alliance: Government and Military-Industrial Complex:

Critiquing the symbiotic relationship between the US government and the military-industrial complex, Wilkerson unveils a landscape where war is not just a strategic necessity but a profitable venture. He draws attention to the unsettling trend of retired generals seamlessly transitioning into roles within defense contractors. This seamless integration, he argues, perpetuates a cycle of conflict, where financial interests overshadow national security concerns.

Global Warfare as Big Business:

The documentary sheds light on the sprawling network of over 800 US military bases worldwide and the booming weapons manufacturing industry. Colonel Wilkerson emphasizes that conflict, for the American elite, equates to prosperity. However, this wealth rarely trickles down, leaving the lower classes to bear the brunt of the consequences. Foreign policy decisions, in this context, become influenced more by business considerations than humanitarian values.

The Unsustainability of the Status Quo:

Wilkerson’s warning echoes throughout the documentary – the current trajectory is unsustainable. The pursuit of endless conflict, driven by profit rather than principle, threatens America’s global standing, economic vitality, and moral ascendancy. He advocates for a seismic shift in US foreign policy, steering away from militarism towards diplomacy and cooperation.

“The Empire Files: ‘This Ship is Sinking'” compels viewers to confront the stark realities of a nation teetering on the brink. Wilkerson’s analysis, informed by a lifetime of service, challenges us to question the trajectory of a superpower entangled in its own web of power and greed. As we navigate the turbulent waters of global geopolitics, the documentary serves as a clarion call for introspection and a fundamental reevaluation of America’s role in the world.

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