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The Enemy Within: Pakistan’s War With The Taliban

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In the heart of Pakistan’s enigmatic battle against extremism lies a documentary titled “The Enemy Within: Pakistan’s War With The Taliban.” This riveting exploration goes beyond the boundaries that most Pakistanis dare not tread, shedding light on the complexities of a nation entangled in a hidden war. The documentary takes us to South Waziristan, a deeply troubled corner where the army asserts control, but questions linger about the ticking time bomb of extremism.

The Silent Battlefield

Within the confines of a military hospital in Islamabad, the documentary unfolds the stories of hundreds of “profoundly damaged and disabled” soldiers, casualties of the nine-year covert war against extremists. Pakistan’s foremost expert on Islamists, Ahmed Rashid, reveals a double game that has fueled radicalization, with Pakistan supporting NATO in Afghanistan while allowing the Afghan Taliban to operate against NATO forces.

The Unseen Struggle: Life Under the Taliban

Venturing into the remote frontier, the documentary captures the paradoxical sentiments of local villagers who recall life under the Taliban as “normal” and “unthreatening.” They argue that the army’s intervention has brought destruction, challenging the narrative that seeks to counter extremism by opening schools for girls. As the army aims to win hearts and minds, the Taliban vow to escalate the war, creating a delicate balance in the troubled region.

From Mountains to Metropolises: The Spread of Extremism

Despite the vibrant colors of Islamabad, the capital is under constant warning, symbolizing the aggression from within. The documentary emphasizes the extensive toll on Pakistani soldiers, with over 5,000 executed and nearly 9,000 injured in battles against militants on the western border. The Pakistani Taliban, an even more brutal offshoot of the Afghan Taliban, emerges as the main perpetrators, expanding their influence from a small ruling band to recruiting militant groups across various regions.

Waziristan: Breeding Ground for Terrorism

Delving into the documentary’s exclusive access to the forbidden tribal areas, it unveils Waziristan as a breeding ground for terrorism, hosting the masterminds behind some of the world’s worst acts of terrorism. The US intelligence traces even the Bali explosions to this remote region, highlighting the porous border that has become a haven for criminals and extremists since the US-led attack on Afghanistan in 2002.

In a landscape normally prohibited to most Pakistanis and outsiders, the documentary offers a rare glimpse into Pakistan’s interior war. Months of negotiations and authorization have paved the way for the film crew to navigate the tribal area, accompanied by a heavily-armed escort. However, the army retains the final say on what the crew can capture, underscoring the delicate dance between transparency and national security.

“The Enemy Within: Pakistan’s War With The Taliban” documentary encapsulates the multifaceted struggle against extremism within Pakistan’s borders. From the hidden battles in South Waziristan to the escalating threats in urban centers, the film unveils the layers of a nation grappling with its internal adversaries. As the documentary paints a vivid picture of the ongoing war, it urges viewers to question the complexities and nuances that shape Pakistan’s fight against the forces within.

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