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The Entire History of Egypt

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For Millennia, the grand pyramids of Egypt have towered over the desert sands, shrouded in mystery. The documentary, “The Entire History of Egypt”, delves into the enigmatic world of the great ancient civilization. It begins on July 19, 1799, during Napoleon Bonaparte’s Egyptian Expedition, where a French soldier discovers a crucial artifact, a large stone east of Alexandria, unlocking a written language that had been silent for thousands of years.

The Gift of the Nile

As Herodotus, the father of History, stated, “Egypt is the gift of the Nile.” The Nile, serving as a lifeline, provided water for crop cultivation, leading to the flourishing of civilization along its banks. The documentary explores the geographical transformations in the Nile Valley, from the Miocene times to the rise of sedentary cultures like the Thiam Oasis and the Fiam civilization (9000-6000 BCE). Abados emerges as an essential burial site, evolving into a necropolis housing the tombs of Egypt’s rulers.

From Unification to Pyramid Mastery

The narrative unfolds with the rise of rulers like Narmer in 3100 BCE, emphasizing military expansion, trade, and a profound interest in religion. The baton passes to Joser in the third dynasty, known for the iconic Step Pyramid at Sakara. The Old Kingdom, also known as the age of the pyramids, witnesses the mastery of pyramid construction under kings like Khufu, Khafre, and Menkar. The bureaucratic power structures and societal divisions during this era come into focus, revealing the intricate roles of viziers, aristocrats, and peasants.

Peaks and Declines of Power

The exploration continues through the fifth dynasty, known as the Sun King’s Dynasty, showcasing rulers like Userkaf, Sahure, and Neferirkare. Economic reforms, military advancements, and a shift in the administrative landscape mark this period. The decentralization of government power becomes evident in the First Intermediate Period, leading to a decline in monumental constructions. The documentary highlights the unique events during Pepi II’s rule, illustrating the cultural significance attached to his reign.

New Kingdom and Beyond

The narrative leaps forward to the New Kingdom, exploring the reigns of powerful pharaohs like Thutmose III, Amenhotep III, and Akhenaten. The Battle of Kadesh under Ramses II and the forging of the first peace treaty in history stand out. The decline of the Egyptian Empire and the labor strike during Ramses III’s reign depict the fading glory. The 22nd Dynasty, under Libyan rulers like Shoshank the First, strives to revive Egypt’s past grandeur.

Legacy and Modern Reflections

The documentary, “The Entire History of Egypt”, concludes by reflecting on Egypt’s enduring legacy. Despite changing times, modern Egypt in the 21st century maintains connections to ancient traditions, celebrating festivals and cherishing the Nile as a vital element. The echoes of Egypt’s rule, accomplishments, and enduring mysteries continue to inspire awe and respect in the contemporary world.

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