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The Rise of Big Tech

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In an era where technology reigns supreme, mega-corporations like Amazon and Facebook have catapulted themselves into unprecedented power. Their growth seems relentless, raising critical questions about their influence and whether they operate above the law.

Tech Giants Amidst a Pandemic

As the pandemic swept across the globe, the dominance of the “big four” – Apple, Amazon, Google, and Facebook – intensified. Data, once a commodity, is now big business. Yet, the actions of these corporations raise concerns about accountability and control. Are these behemoths steering towards an uncontrollable trajectory?

Corporate Power Play

The big players, Apple and Amazon, have been accused of flouting antitrust laws, rewriting rules related to wages, taxes, and legislation. Critics argue that Facebook and Google’s systematic data exploitation undermines core democratic principles. The blurry line between state and mega-corporations adds complexity, leading to questions about the endurance of corporate power.

Market-Driven Surveillance: A Threat to Sovereignty

The surge of tech giants poses a substantial threat to the foundations of Western democracies. The issue extends beyond economic influence, delving into the murky waters of market-driven surveillance. This form of surveillance challenges our sovereignty, creating a storm that is brewing both in the U.S. and Europe. Are we witnessing a permanent shift in the balance of power?

Impact on Daily Lives

For most, life without tech giants like Apple, Google, Facebook/Meta, Microsoft, and Amazon seems inconceivable. These companies permeate every facet of our lives, from work to social media and shopping. However, their rapid ascent to dominance brings a darker side into focus, impacting humanity in ways both seen and unseen.

The Dominance Unveiled

“The Rise of Big Tech” delves into the astronomical growth trajectory of these mega-corporations. Their dominance extends beyond financial gains, infiltrating social and economic spheres. Monopolizing industries, they control algorithms with the potential to devastate smaller companies. Political influence, through campaign contributions and lobbying, further solidifies their grip on power.

Opaque Finances and Tax Avoidance

The financial practices of these giants raise eyebrows. Ambiguous tax payments and legal tax avoidance techniques afford them advantages that remain shrouded in vagueness. Facebook’s tax deal with Prineville, Oregon, exemplifies the impact – a city losing potential tax earnings while the corporation thrives.

Challenges to Competition

The larger they grow, the harder they are to challenge. Acquisition of competition is routine, with more subscribers translating into increased value. This financial prowess allows them to swallow potential rivals, either assimilating them or burying them under financial might.

Government Scrutiny and Customer Empowerment

Apple’s insistence on a 30% cut from software companies through its app store has triggered congressional hearings. Governments and consumers face the daunting task of controlling these giants to safeguard freedoms amidst growing concerns about data access and surveillance.

“The Rise of Big Tech,” directed by Milan Panek and Dirk Laabs, paints a vivid picture of an industry’s ascent to dominance. As these mega-corporations continue their trajectory, the question remains – can governments and consumers rein them in, or are we witnessing an era where the influence of Big Tech becomes an unstoppable force? Only time will reveal the answer.

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