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Transylvania – The heart of Romania

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Transylvania, a region often shrouded in mystery and misconceptions, takes center stage in the documentary “Transylvania – The heart of Romania.” While the infamous Count Dracula and vampire stories are part of its lore, the documentary delves into the rich tapestry of Transylvania’s history, vibrant traditions, and the unique perspectives its people hold towards life and death.

Life Beyond the Myths: Family, Horses, and Traditions

In the rural landscapes away from urban hustle, Transylvanians live a life seemingly frozen in time. For the Roma community, horses are not just animals; they are cherished members of the family. The documentary portrays the deep connection between the people and their equine companions, offering a glimpse into a culture where traditions and the joy of life coexist with a profound acceptance of mortality. In a cemetery where laughter triumphs over tears, residents immortalize their loved ones with lovingly carved, brightly painted wooden crosses, challenging conventional views on death.

Maramureș: Crafts, Wooden Churches, and Unusual Views on Death

Venturing to Maramureș, a region bordering Ukraine, the documentary showcases its skilled craftspeople and UNESCO-recognized wooden churches. In the small village of Săpânța, an Orthodox Christian community holds a unique perspective on death. The “merry cemetery” is adorned with personalized wooden crosses, each telling the story of the deceased with honesty, sometimes even humor. The village chronicler, Dumitru Pop, carves with the aim of changing people’s perceptions about death, making this cemetery the only one globally where laughter accompanies remembrance.

Cluj: Modernity in a Traditional Landscape

The narrative shifts to Cluj, a university city representing modernity in the predominantly rural and traditional Transylvania. Amidst grand buildings and a youthful atmosphere, the documentary captures the contrast of a city that stands out in a region steeped in history. The tranquility of small towns and villages reflects a unique sense of peace and connection to nature, where time is taken and appreciated.

Costell’s Passion: Breeding Horses in Transylvania

The documentary introduces Costell, a passionate horse breeder in Cluj, who not only pursues his childhood love for horses but turns it into a source of income. Breeding and selling horses, particularly the traditional Romanian breed “Romanesc Semigreu,” Costell embodies Transylvania’s cultural richness, where horses symbolize not just status but also a way of life.

Transylvania’s Forests: Nature’s Bounty and Challenges

Transylvania, translating to “beyond the forest,” is characterized by vast woodlands extending to the Carpathian Mountains. The documentary explores the challenges and rewards of living with and from nature through the daily life of Toader, a shepherd. From the early morning routine to the meticulous process of producing charcoal, Transylvanians like Toader showcase a harmonious yet demanding relationship with the environment.

Fortified Churches: Guardians of History

The documentary sheds light on the more than 150 preserved fortified churches in Transylvania, a legacy of the Transylvanian Saxons built to defend against Ottoman invasions. Towns like Biertan and Sighișoara harbor these structures, now embodying a unique blend of architectural prowess and historical significance. The challenges faced by a couple, Alex and Marlene, in restoring a historic pavilion underscore the commitment to preserving the artisan tradition and cultural heritage.

Legacy and Succession: Passing on Traditions in Transylvania

In the heart of Săpânța, Dumitru Pop, the creator of the unique wooden crosses, reflects on his 45-year journey and the importance of passing on the tradition. His son-in-law, Ioan, endeavors to continue the legacy, navigating the intricacies of crafting crosses and embracing the responsibility. As the documentary unfolds, it becomes evident that the essence of Transylvania lies not just in its myths but in the resilience of its people, their unique traditions, and the cultural richness that defines this captivating region.

Preserving Culture in the Heart of Romania

“Transylvania – The heart of Romania” provides a multifaceted exploration of Transylvania, going beyond the well-known Dracula lore. It captures the essence of a region where tradition, nature, and modernity coalesce, shaping a narrative that unveils the heart of Romania and the people who call Transylvania home.


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