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What Really Killed the Dinosaurs?

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Dinosaurs, Earth’s long-reigning rulers for over 150 million years, abruptly disappeared 65 million years ago. This documentary explores the age-old question: What really killed the dinosaurs?

The Cretaceous–Paleogene (K–Pg) Extinction Event

The catastrophic event known as the K–Pg extinction wiped out around three-quarters of Earth’s life, marking the end of the Cretaceous period. A colossal meteorite, approximately 10 kilometers wide, struck the Yucatan region in Mexico, triggering kilometer-high tsunamis and shrouding the planet in darkness for years. While smaller creatures like leather-back turtles and crocodiles survived, anything weighing more than 55 pounds perished, ending the dinosaurs’ rule over Earth.

Challenging the Impact Theory

The impact theory, attributing the extinction solely to the Yucatan meteorite, was widely accepted. However, Professor Gerta Keller and her team from Princeton present a compelling alternative. Contrary to the meteorite’s immediate impact, geological evidence suggests a more complex story that unfolded millions of years later. This theory challenges the simplicity of the impact hypothesis, unraveling a narrative that extends beyond the Yucatan crater.

The Complex Story Unveiled

In this documentary, Horizon’s “What Really Killed the Dinosaurs?” delves into the complexity of Keller’s theory. The team, despite facing criticism, has garnered support over the years. Through stunning CGI graphics and insights from key scientists, the documentary explores the growing body of evidence that questions the conventional impact theory. It challenges viewers to reconsider long-standing beliefs and embrace the intricacies of the dinosaur extinction narrative.

Beyond the Impact: A Paradigm Shift

While the impact theory provided a straightforward explanation, Keller’s research introduces a paradigm shift. This segment of the documentary delves into the multifaceted factors contributing to dinosaur extinction. The narrative emphasizes the importance of geological evidence and challenges the notion that a single event, such as a meteorite impact, can entirely explain the demise of such diverse and dominant creatures.

As we explore “What Really Killed the Dinosaurs?” through Horizon’s lens, we are confronted with a narrative that transcends the simplicity of popular theories. The documentary encourages us to question established beliefs, embrace scientific evolution, and appreciate the complexity of Earth’s ancient history. The dinosaurs’ demise, once thought to be a clear-cut case, now unfolds as a captivating mystery with layers waiting to be unveiled.

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