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When Stand Up Stood Out

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This documentary, titled “When Stand Up Stood Out”, explores the rise of stand-up comedy in Boston during the late 1970s and early 1980s. It features interviews with several prominent comedians from that era, including Lenny Clarke, Steven Wright, and Mike McDonough, who share their experiences and insights into the unique comedy scene that emerged in Boston.

From Open Mics to National Attention

The documentary begins by highlighting the early days of the Boston comedy scene, where comedians performed at open mic nights in local clubs like the Ding Ho. These clubs provided a platform for aspiring comedians to hone their craft and develop their unique styles. The camaraderie and competition among the comedians helped to push each other to new heights.

As the documentary progresses, it details how the Boston comedy scene gained national attention. The success of comedians like Steven Wright, who appeared on “The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson,” helped to put Boston on the map as a breeding ground for comedic talent. However, the documentary also acknowledges the challenges faced by these comedians, such as the pressure of achieving national success and the personal struggles that often accompany the lifestyle.

A Reunion of Old Friends

The documentary culminates with a reunion concert organized to benefit Mike McDonough, a key figure in the Boston comedy scene who was struggling with health issues. This event brought together many of the comedians from the early days, providing an opportunity for them to reminisce about their shared experiences and celebrate their contributions to the world of comedy.

“When Stand Up Stood Out” offers a nostalgic and informative look at a pivotal time in the history of stand-up comedy. It is a must-watch for anyone interested in learning more about the Boston comedy scene and the comedians who helped to shape it.

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