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Wish 2023 Making of & Behind the scenes + Deleted scenes

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The documentary “Wish 2023 Making of & Behind the scenes” delves into the intricate process of creating a Disney animated film. It provides insight into the inspirations, challenges, and creative decisions that shaped the production of the movie “Wish 2023.” Through interviews with the filmmakers, animators, and other key personnel, viewers get a behind-the-scenes look at the magic of Disney animation.

Drawing Inspiration: From Walt Disney’s Legacy to Creative Choices

From the very beginning, the filmmakers drew inspiration from legendary animators and Disney’s rich history. They were particularly influenced by Walt Disney himself, referencing a memo he wrote about animation techniques before the release of “Snow White.” This memo emphasized the importance of character performance, psychology, and gesture, which became guiding principles for the team. They also studied classic Disney films for inspiration, incorporating elements like character poses and movement into their work. Additionally, the documentary explores the personal motivations behind creative choices, such as crafting a selfless wish as the central theme of the story.

Creative Process and Challenges

The documentary delves into the creative process behind “Wish 2023” and the challenges faced by the filmmakers. It highlights the meticulous attention to detail, from the composition of each frame to the design of characters and settings. The filmmakers aimed to create visually stunning scenes that resembled art pieces, drawing inspiration from both traditional hand-drawn animation and modern CGI techniques.

One of the challenges discussed in the documentary was balancing homage to Disney’s legacy with creating a unique and compelling story. The team wanted to pay tribute to classic Disney elements while also infusing the film with fresh ideas and perspectives. This balance required careful consideration of narrative choices, character development, and visual aesthetics. Despite the challenges, the filmmakers found creative solutions to bring their vision to life, resulting in a film that celebrates Disney’s history while pushing boundaries in animation storytelling.

“Wish 2023 Making of & Behind the scenes” offers an illuminating look into the world of Disney animation. Through interviews, behind-the-scenes footage, and insights from the creative team, viewers gain a deeper appreciation for the artistry and craftsmanship that goes into making an animated film. From the initial concept to the final product, the documentary showcases the passion, dedication, and innovation that define Disney’s storytelling legacy. “Wish 2023” stands as a testament to the enduring magic of Disney animation and the timeless appeal of storytelling.

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